SCI Forum Reports
The SCI Forum is an evening presentation and discussion series on topics of interest to persons with spinal cord injury and their friends, family members, and caregivers.
See also :
- SCI Forum presentations available on video.
- SCI Forums listed by date.
- Articles from our SCI Update newsletter.
Forum reports listed by subject:
Sports, Arts, Recreation, & Fitness
Sexuality, Fertility, & Parenting
Recovery research
Managing Your Health and Medical Complications
Financial Issues, Benefits, and Employment
Living with SCI
Equipment and Adaptive Products Resources
Sports, Arts, Recreation, & Fitness
- Art and Music Therapy in Rehab and Beyond (November 2010)
- Universal Fitness after SCI (May 8. 2007)
- Snow Skiing, Water Skiing, and Cycling (March 14, 2006)
- Swimming and Yoga (May 10, 2005)
- Adaptive Recreation, Fitness and Leisure Activities (November 18, 2003)
- Exploring the Arts after SCI (June 10, 2003)
- Travel after SCI: Finding your comfort zone (March 2011)
- Traveling with SCI (February 11, 2003)
Relationships, Sexuality, Fertility, & Parenting
- The ABCs of Parenting with an SCI (April 2014)
- Love and Marriage After Spinal Cord Injury (March 12, 2013)
- It Happened to Both of Us: Conversations with Couples (March 2012)
- Conversations from the Bedroom: Sex after Spinal Cord Injury (May 2011)
- Communication in Dating & Relationships after Spinal Cord Injury (February 9, 2010)
- Sexability (February 10, 2009)
- Dating and Relationships After SCI (February 14, 2006)
- Women and SCI (November 8, 2005)
Recovery Research
- Restoring Function after Spinal Cord Injury: New Research in Neural Stimulation (June 7, 2014)
- SCI Research and the Hope for Cure: Where Are We Today? (May 2013)
- To Walk or Roll: The Controversy Over Walking and Research (May 2012)
- Developing neuroprosthetic treatments for spinal cord injury (February 2011)
- Survive, Subsist, Succeed: Spinal Cord Injury Research and Outcomes(May 20, 2010)
- Stem Cells and Regeneration of the Spinal Cord: Practical Barriers and New Cell Technologies (May 12, 2009)
- SCI Research Update (April 12, 2005)
Managing Your Health and Medical Complications
- Primary Care and Spinal Cord Injury: What You (and Your Provider) Need to Know (October 25, 2016)
- Spasticity after SCI — Part 2: Real Life Stories—A Panel Discussion (February 10, 2015)
- Spasticity after SCI — Part 1: The Good, The Bad, and The Not-So-Ugly (January 13, 2015)
- Get a Handle on it! Maximizing Hand and Arm Function after Spinal Cord Injury (February 11, 2014)
- The Use of Medical Marijuana to Manage Symptom Burden in SCI (June 7, 2014)
- Perspectives on Pain: An SCI Panel Discussion (March 11, 2014)
- Managing Chronic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury (January 14, 2014)
- Taking Care of Business: Your Bowel Program (October 8, 2013)
- Osteoporosis and Fractures in Persons with SCI: What, Why, and How to Manage (November 2012)
- Everybody's Doing It! Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury (October 2012)
- Protecting Your Shoulders and Staying Active After Spinal Cord Injury (April 2012)
- Sleep Problems and Sleep Apnea in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury (February 2012)
- Pressure Ulcers Can Wreck Your Life! Preventing and Managing Skin Problems after SCI (January 2012)
- Everyday Nutrition for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (April 2011)
- Multidisciplinary Management of Pain in Spinal Cord Injury: An Approach to Improve Pain, Function and Psychological Coping (June 8, 2010)
- Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy for Spasticity Management in Spinal Cord Injury
(January 12, 2010) - Management of Urinary Problems Caused by Spinal Cord Injury (October 13, 2009)
- Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury (June 9, 2009)
- Osteoporosis in SCI (October 9, 2007)
- Autonomic Dysreflexia (October 9, 2007)
- Using Hypnosis for Spinal Cord Injury Pain Management (September 11, 2007)
- Healthy Aging and SCI (May 9, 2006)
- Women and SCI (November 8, 2005)
- Relaxation and Hypnosis for SCI Pain (October 11, 2005)
- Common Respiratory Problems in SCI (October 12, 2004)
- Prevention and Primary Care in SCI (October 12, 2004)
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (June 14, 2005)
- Back Pain, Wheelchair Seating and Posture (May 13, 2003)
- Common Musculoskeletal Problems After SCI (April 16, 2002)
Financial Issues, Benefits, and Employment
- The Balancing Act: Work and Benefits after Spinal Cord Injury (November 12, 2013)
- Getting your life back after SCI: Finding meaning through volunteering, school and work. (February 12, 2008)
- Navigating the System: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (November 13, 2007)
- From Injury to Employment - Work After SCI (January 11, 2005)
- Income and Medical Benefits after SCI (October 8, 2002)
Living with SCI
- Between Walking and Wheelchair: Living with Incomplete SCI (April 25, 2018)
- Getting to Normal: Conversations about Adjustment after Spinal Cord Injury (November 10, 2015)
- Resilience, Depression and Bouncing Back after Spinal Cord Injury (October 13, 2015)
- Everybody's Doing It! Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury (October 2012)
- Communication in Dating & Relationships after Spinal Cord Injury (February 9, 2010)
- Growing into Adulthood with a Spinal Cord Injury (November 10, 2009)
- Conversations...artists (April 14, 2009)
- Conversations about...Living with Spinal Cord Injury (May 13, 2008)
- Personal Caregivers: Hiring, Managing and Firing (April 8, 2008)
- Home Adaptations and Modifications after SCI (June 12, 2007)
- Personal Care Attendants (November 12, 2002)
- Service Dogs for Persons with SCI (November 12, 2002)
- Fashion Solutions for People with Disabilities (January 4, 2000)
Equipment and Adaptive Products and Resources
- Manual Wheelchair Guide (April 12, 2016)
- Power Wheelchair Mobility (November 8, 2011)
- Ultralight Wheelchair Skills: From Rehab to Real World (November 8, 2011)
- Mobility Fair (March 8, 2005)
- What About Cushions? (November 9, 2004)
- Pressure Mapping Assessment for Wheelchair Users (June 8, 2004)
- Home Modification for SCI (January 13, 2004)
- Community Mobility: Getting Where You Want to Go (June 14, 2011)
- Driving and Disability (May 2, 2000)
- Worst Case Scenarios: Be Prepared! Emergency preparedness for everyone. (April 10, 2007)