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SCI Forum Video


Stem Cells and Regeneration of the Spinal Cord:
Practical Barriers and New Cell Technologies

By Philip J. Horner, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Washington.

Presented on May 12, 2009 at the University of Washington Medical Center by the Northwest Regional SCI System, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington.

Stem cells show great promise for regeneration. However, the human spinal cord contains its own complement of stem cells which are naturally inhibited from significantly regrowing the spinal cord. In this presentation. Dr. Horner reviews the types of stem cells that hold promise for SCI therapy and discusses the latest in stem cell technology—the induced pluripotent stem cell. Drawing on observations from species that do regenerate, such as salamanders, he explains what needs to be accomplished in mammals.


Presentation time: 78 minutes. After watching, please complete our two-minute survey!

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