2014 Spinal Cord Injury Wellness Summit
Keynote Presentation:
Restoring Function after Spinal Cord Injury: New Research in Neural Stimulation
By Chet Moritz, PhD
Assistant Professor, Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington
What is the latest research in neural stimulation to restore function after paralysis? Dr. Moritz discusses strategies for restoring voluntary control of arm or leg movement via neural devices that both record from and stimulate the central nervous system. He describes how scientists are using implanted electrodes to record what is happening in the brain when a person thinks about moving a paralyzed muscle. He then discusses the possibility of using this information to stimulate the spinal cord and restore control to otherwise paralyzed muscles using examples from his research group.
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Presentation time: 52 minutes. After watching, please complete our two-minute survey!
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