NW Regional Spinal Cord Injury System University of Washington UW Rehab Medicine Go to home page

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I receive SCI rehabilitation care at UW Medicine?
  2. Is the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine conducting research on stem cells or other experimental nerve repair or regeneration techniques directed at promoting recovery from spinal cord damage?
  3. What SCI research studies are going on at the UW’s Department of Rehabilitation Medicine?
  4. Where can I find general information about spinal cord injury for new patients or other interested persons?
  5. I have a specific question about my medical condition—whom can I ask?
  6. I am a physician or other health care provider with a question about one of my patients—whom can I contact?
  7. How can I find a doctor or facility specializing in SCI rehabilitation or medical care?
  8. Are there support groups in the area for persons with SCI or their families?
  9. How can I get information and resources about hiring attendants or finding equipment, housing, or assistive technology?
  10. More contact information.

1. How can I receive SCI rehabilitation care at UW Medicine?

The University of Washington offers comprehensive rehabilitation and long-term health management for individuals with spinal cord injury ( SCI) at these facilities:

University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) Rehabilitation Medicine

Inpatient care: Contact the patient care coordinator 206-598-8161

Outpatient Care: Make an appointment 206-520-5000

Harborview Medical Center (HMC) Rehabilitation Medicine

Inpatient care: Contact the patient care coordinator 206-744-4607

Outpatient Care: Make an appointment 206-520-5000

In addition, other UW medical specialists (orthopedists, neurologists, urologists, neurosurgeons) are available for consultation and treatment as needed. Find a UW provider at http://rehab.washington.edu/patientcare/provider.asp.

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2. Is the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine conducting research on stem cells or other nerve repair or regeneration techniques directed at promoting recovery from spinal cord damage?

At this time the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine is not conducting any human studies involving experimental therapies using stem cells or other nerve repair or regeneration techniques, such as macrophages, glial cells, or bone marrow stromal cells. SCI studies in the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine that are seeking participants with SCI are posted on our Participate in Research Web page.

Please see the Web sites below for information about SCI recovery research.

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3. What SCI research studies are going on at the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine?

The UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine has a long history of research into treatments that alleviate many of the medical problems associated with chronic SCI. Click here for a description of research studies currently being conducted by the Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System.

Go to this page to find out about studies currently seeking volunteer participants with SCI: http://sci.washington.edu/projects_and_research/participate.asp

Check the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine website to find out about other studies in the department: http://rehab.washington.edu/research/volunteers.asp.

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4. Where can I find general information about spinal cord injury for new patients or other interested persons?

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5. I have a specific question about my medical condition—whom can I ask?

If you have questions about your own or someone else’s medical condition, it is best to make an appointment with a provider who specializes in rehabilitation medicine or spinal cord injury so that your problem can be thoroughly evaluated and the best course of action can be determined.

You may contact the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine to make an appointment, or find providers in your area through these resources:

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6. I am a physician or other health care provider with a question about one of my SCI patients—whom can I contact?

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7. How can I find a doctor or facility in my area that specializes in SCI rehabilitation or medical care?

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8. Are there support groups in the area for persons with SCI or their families?

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9. How can I get information and resources for hiring attendants or finding equipment, housing, or assistive technology?


Equipment is best explored through your personal physical or occupational therapist, if you are under the care of one of these professionals. Equipment can also be discussed with your physician or health care provider. If you are interested in learning about the latest equipment, local vendors of medical equipment can be found in the yellow pages or online.


Assistive Technology

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10. More contact information.