NW Regional Spinal Cord Injury System University of Washington UW Rehab Medicine Go to home page

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Participate in Research / Current Research Activities


Do you have chronic pain? Participate in this free U.W. study to evaluate chronic pain therapy for employed individuals with physical disabilities such as multiple sclerosis, brain injury, spinal cord injury or amputation.

Participants are randomly assigned to attend eight weekly treatment sessions via telephone over the course of 8-10 weeks or continue with usual care – no in-person visits are required. Those assigned to usual care (no treatment) will have the opportunity to receive the intervention following completion of all surveys. Participants complete four online surveys before, during, and after treatment. Compensation is provided (up to $125 total).

You may be eligible to participate if you:

Questions? Interested? Contact us at (206) 616-9801 or (Toll Free) 1 (855) 887-9384, or by email at tipsstudy@uw.edu.

Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation Studies

The Restorative Technologies Laboratory under Dr. Chet Moritz at the University of Washington is recruiting participants for two clinical trials exploring the use of electrical stimulation of the spinal cord to improve upper extremity function and locomotion. Please visit http://depts.washington.edu/moritlab/ for more information.

Listen to our SCI Forum Podcast interview with Dr. Moritz (Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation with Chet Moritz) and our interview with one of the research subjects (Being a Research Subject: Follow-Up on Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation).

National SCI Model System Database

We continue to follow over 900 patients who have been enrolled and are part of the longitudinal national database of SCI patients. This information is used to further understanding of the long-term consequences of SCI and to develop improved treatments and systems of care. Currently the database, centered at the National SCI Statistical Center, contains information on more than 27,000 cases since 1973. This ongoing study is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).


Studies that have Concluded and are No Longer Recruiting

Spinal Cord Injury THRIVE — Peer-led Online Self-Management

University of Washington researchers have concluded recruitment for a study using a six-week online self-management program for individuals with spinal cord injuries. For more information about this program, contact 206-685-3999 or thrive@uw.edu.

Developing a Spinal Cord Injury Cognitive Screening

We have a new research study to investigate the effectiveness of a screening test for thinking skills with people who have had a spinal cord injury (SCI). If you participate, you’ll complete hands-free testing in person at Harborview Medical Center or University of Washington Medical Center, OR via video-conference Zoom.

A Novel Non-drug Treatment for Chronic Pain in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

UW Community Health Study

The Community Health Study investigates whether a telephone/video-based health and wellness program, called Enhance Wellness improves quality of life for adults who are 45 to 64 years old and have some level of physical disability. If you enroll in this study, you will be randomly assigned to one of three groups:

Funded through the NIDILRR SCI Model Systems Program, 2000-2016.


Past NWRSCIS research activities