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2015 Spinal Cord Injury Wellness Summit


Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The UW South Campus Center buzzed with activity inside and out at the 2015 SCI Wellness Summit as 200 wheelchair users, family members, friends, and health care providers roamed between demonstrations and activities to learn about adaptive recreation programs.

woman on a handcylce

Attendees could sign up to try out adaptive tennis, cycling, yoga and painting; watch demonstrations of rugby and basketball; and browse displays about everything from accessible camping to adaptive photography, swimming, fishing and more. Equipment vendors showed off their latest models, and local non-profit recreational organizations enticed visitors to try something new.

speaker standing in front of a large audience

Three speakers opened the event with presentations highlighting recreational activities and the scientific evidence behind the benefits of participation.These talks included: Keynote speaker Aaron Bunnell, MD, UW assistant professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and a person with a spinal cord injury, speaking on the benefits of recreation after injury; Beth Reite, OT, on adaptive yoga; and Harriet Ott, OT, on aquatic therapy. Continuing education credits were given to therapists who attended these presentations.people in wheelchairs do arm stretches in yoga class

The SCI Wellness Summit was a collaboration of the Northwest Regional SCI System and the SCI Transitions and Wellness Program in the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Thank you to our underwriters and our many volunteers for making this event possible.

2015 SCI Wellness Summit Underwriters

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