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Collaborative Upper Limb Pain (CULP-SCI)


This was a three-site collaborative study funded by NIDRR (grant # H133A011107) from 2002 - 2007. Centered at the University of Pittsburgh, the other sites were the University of Washington in Seattle and the Kessler Institute in New Jersey. This study examined the manual wheelchair propulsion and transfer techniques used by people with SCI that over time can contribute to the high incidence of disabling upper limb pain in this population. The Seattle arm of the study was directed by Dr. Michael Chang, associate professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.


  1. Collinger JL, Boninger ML, Koontz AM, Price R, Sisto SA, Tolerico ML, Cooper RA: Shoulder Biomechanics During the Push Phase of Wheelchair Propulsion: A Multisite Study of Persons With Paraplegia, Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008 Apr;89(4):667-76.
  2. Price R, Ashwell ZR, Chang MW, Boninger ML, MD, Koontz AM, Sisto SA:Upper-Limb Joint Power and Its Distribution in Spinal Cord Injured Wheelchair Users: Steady-State Self-Selected Speed Versus Maximal Acceleration Trials. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2007 Apr;88(4):456-63.
  3. Koontz AM, Yang Y, Price R, DiGiovine CP, Sisto SA, Cooper RA, Boninger ML:Multi-site comparison of wheelchair propulsion in persons with paraplegia. J Rehab Res Dev. 2007;44(3):449-58.
  4. Koontz A, Yang Y, Price R, Sisto SA, Boninger ML, Cooper RA: Multi-site Comparison of Wheelchair Propulsion in Persons with Paraplegia. Proceedings of the 28th Annual RESNA Conference, Atlanta , GA , CD-ROM, June 25-27, 2005.
  5. Boninger M, Koontz AM, Sisto S, Dyson-Hudson T, Chang M, Price R, Cooper RA: Pushrim biomechanics and injury prevention in spinal cord injury: Recommendations based on CULP-SCI investigations. JRRD (42) 3 Suppl 1: 1-11, 2005.