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Spinal Cord Injury Update


Fall 2015: Volume 24, Number 2


What our readers told us

Thank you to the 109 readers who completed our reader survey that came with the spring 2015 issue of this newsletter. We were pleased to hear that respondents felt they learned new information from the newsletters and the information has helped improve their health and quality of life.

Readers’ top concerns

Far and away the biggest concern among our readers was pain, followed by bladder and bowel problems and staying healthy and independent while aging. These are similar to the concerns listed by readers in our 2009 reader survey. At that time, these results helped inform the development of our current research projects and to plan our SCI Forum topics. We will continue to use consumer feedback to help us plan future research and educational activities.

Videos and more on our website

Many readers of the printed version of our newsletter said they did not know we had a web site or online videos (more than 50!). We also have our own YouTube and Vimeo channels.

We often hear that our videos and written materials provide vitally important, reliable information that can’t be found elsewhere. Many of our subscribers who live far away from SCI rehab centers say they share this information with their primary care providers, who may not be familiar with the unique health issues of people with spinal cord injuries.

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