Spinal Cord Injury Update
Summer 2011: Volume 20, Number 1
June 25th golf fundraiser will support Transitions program

Brian Moore sustained a spinal cord injury from a fall on August 7, 2010 and since then has been working hard to recover as much function and independence as possible. His fraternity at Washington State University, Theta Chi, is now planning the first annual Birdies for Brian Golf Tournament in his honor to raise funds in support of UW Medicine’s new Spinal Cord Injury Transitions Health Maintenance and Wellness Program. The tournament will take place on June 25, 2011 at 2:00 PM at the Golf Club at Echo Falls in Snohomish, Washington.
Brian did his inpatient rehab at Harborview Medical Center and is now a client in the Transitions program, which helps people during the first two years after injury adjust to living with SCI, return to full participation in community life, and adopt life-long health habits to prevent the medical complications common to people with SCI (link to the story about the Transitions program in this newsletter).
“We chose the Transitions program for this fundraiser after talking with Brian and his parents about their experience,” says Brian’s friend Colin Dierckins, who is organizing the tournament. “Through the Transitions program, Brian and others with SCI are able to adapt to caring for themselves at home and participate in exercise and other programs to improve their health and quality of life.”
Tournament co-organizer Willie Cramer says the fraternity is working hard to promote the event and make it a success in honor of their friend. “We miss him. His determination and strong spirit continue to be an inspiration to all who know him.”
Registration and sponsorship information for the tournament can be found at
www.birdiesforbrian.com. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Transitions program, and all donations are tax-deductable. For questions about the tournament, please visit the website or send an email to birdiesforbrian@gmail.com.