Spinal Cord Injury Update
Summer 2006: Volume 15, Number 2
Recent SCI-related publications by UW faculty
- Avellino AM, Mann, FA, Grady MS, Chapman JR , Ellenbogen RG, Alden TD, and Mirza SK . The misdiagnosis of acute cervical spine injuries and fractures in infants and children: the 12-year experience of a level I pediatric and adult trauma center. Childs Nerv Syst . 2005 Feb;21(2):122-7. Epub 2004 Dec 18.
- Bombardier, CH (2005). Management of substance abuse after trauma. In L. R. Robinson (Ed.), Trauma Rehabilitation. (pp. 225-244). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Britton D, Goldstein B , Jones-Redmond J, Esselman P . Baclofen pump intervention for spasticity affecting pulmonary function. J Spinal Cord Med 2005; 28(4):343-347.
- Burns, SP. Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine. Respiratory management following spinal cord injury: a clinical practice guideline for health-care professionals. J Spinal Cord Med . 2005;28(3):259-93.
- Burns SP , Nelson AL, Bosshart HT, Goetz LL, Harrow JJ, Gerhart KD et al. Implementation of clinical practice guidelines for prevention of thromboembolism in spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med 2005; 28(1):33-42.
- Burns SP , Yavari Rad M, Bryant S, Kapur V. Long-term treatment of sleep apnea in persons with spinal cord injury. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2005;84(8):20-6.
- Cardenas DD , Yilmaz B. Recruitment of Spinal Cord Injury Patients to Clinical Trials: Challenges and Solutions. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabil 11(3): 12-23, Winter 2006.
- Evans C, LaVela S, Smith B, Miskevics S, WeaverB, Goldstein B. Influenza diagnosis and treatment in veterans with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil . 2006 Feb;87(2):291-3.
- Goetz LL, Stiens SA . Abdominal electric stimulation facilitates penile vibratory stimulation for ejaculation after spinal cord injury: a single-subject trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2005; 86(9):1879-1883.
- Jensen MP , Hoffman AJ, Cardenas DD . Chronic pain in individuals with spinal cord injury: a survey and longitudinal study. Spinal Cord 2005; 43(12):704-712.
- Jensen MP , Hanley MA, Engel JM, Romano JM, Barber J, Cardenas DD, et al. Hypnotic analgesia for chronic pain in persons with disabilities: a case series. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 2005; 53(2):198-228.
- Kendall RW, Jacquemin G, Frost R, Burns SP . Creatine supplementation for weak muscles in persons with chronic tetraplegia: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial. J Spinal Cord Med 2005; 28(3):208-213.
- Ragnarsson KT, Wuermser LA, Cardenas DD , Marino RJ. Spinal cord injury clinical trials for neurologic restoration: improving care through clinical research. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2005; 84(11 Suppl):S77-S97.
- Stroud B, Turner J, Jensen M , Cardenas D . Partner responses to pain behaviors are associated with depression and activity interference among persons with chronic pain and spinal cord injury. J Pain . 2006 Feb;7(2):91-9.
Names of UW faculty are in boldface type.