Spinal Cord Injury Update
Spring 2005: Volume 14, Number 2
NWRSCIS Recreation Therapist Wins Award
Regan Ward, a recreation therapist at the UW Medical Center and member of the Northwest Regional SCI System (NWRSCIS) Consumer Advisory Board, received special recognition from the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) in March as Advocate of the Year.
Ward was recognized by the ATRA Board of Directors for her role as the RT Medicare Project state contact for Washington and her exceptional contributions in advocating for recreational therapy. She was also honored for her work in organizing and implementing ATRA's highly successful "Day on the Hill" event, helping recreational therapists from all across the country spend a day visiting with congressional representatives to educate them about the practice of recreational therapy and the vital need to support these services for our nation's health care consumers.
Recreational therapists are health care providers who use recreational therapy interventions to improve functioning of individuals with illness or disabling conditions.