Spinal Cord Injury Update
Winter 2007: Volume 16, Number 1
- Portrait of a Volunteer
Twenty-six years after his injury, Kirk Hennig continues to live an active life while helping others with spinal cord injuries.
- New Grant Funds Model System
The Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System (NWRSCIS) was awarded a five-year grant to continue as the only federally funded Model SCI System on the West coast, with the mission to improve the lives of people with SCI through excellent patient care, research and education.
Module Project: How patients adapt to spinal cord injury.
The NWRSCIS was selected to conduct a multi-site study to learn more about the experiences of adapting to life during the first year after injury and the extent and nature of depression in this population. -
Landmark Study of Depression in SCI
The NWRSCIS received a five-year grant to conduct the first controlled study of depression in the SCI population. -
Watch SCI Forum videos online
The NWRSCIS has received federal and private funding to videotape selected SCI Forum presentations and make them available as streaming video on our Web site. -
SCI Forum Report:
Nutrition Guidelines for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury - Download PDF version of this newsletter (610kb PDF)