Emergency Preparedness Organizations and Programs
Disaster Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities (48-page booklet)
Prepare.org, American Red Cross Disaster Services
Download booklet for free at: http://www.prepare.org/disabilities/disability.pdf
Disability.gov Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness on the Job for People with Disabilities
Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Ready.gov, Department of Homeland Security
Steps for assembling a kit, making a plan and staying informed.
Emergency Evacuation Preparedness: Taking Responsibility for Your Safety—a Guide for People with Disabilities and Other Activity Impairments (44-page booklet)
Published by the Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions.
Download for free at http://www.cdihp.org/evacuation/emergency_evacuation.pdf
General personal safety information for people with SCI, from Craig Hospital.
- Home Alone – http://www.craighospital.org/SCI/METS/homeAlone.asp
- Make an Emergency Fire Plan – http://www.craighospital.org/SCI/METS/emergancyFirePlan.asp
SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepared) is a program of the City of Seattle Office of Emergency Management to assist residents to prepare for a potential emergency. http://www.seattle.gov/emergency/programs/snap/; email: snap@seattle.gov; 206-233-7123.
Alliance of People with Disabilities. Visit their Web site for information about and assistance with preparing for a disaster, http://www.disabilitypride.org/emergency_preparedness.html, or
call 866-545-7055.