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SCI Forum


Building a Community of Support: the Here and Now Project


A Panel Discussion
Presented on March 27, 2019

After the shocking upheaval of a spinal cord injury, building a new life with paralysis can be a lonely, difficult struggle. Some people linger in a dark place, isolated, unable to imagine how life could ever again be happy or meaningful. Kenny Salvini was in that place for a long time after his injury, until some key experiences helped change his outlook and sent him on a mission to help others “do life in the here and now.” He started the Here & Now Project (H&NP) in 2013 to connect and empower others with paralysis through a fellowship of support and encouragement. His organization has grown to become a major hub of the SCI community in the Puget Sound region, connecting hundreds of survivors and supporters in person and online. Hear the story from Kenny and others in the H&NP community of how this came about and what’s in the future for H&NP.


Presentation time: 65 minutes. After watching, please complete our two-minute survey!

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