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SCI Forum


Caregivers: Perspectives from Those Providing Care

Presented on March 10, 2015.

For many people with a spinal cord injury, it is necessary to have help with daily personal needs. Sometimes a family member performs these tasks, sometimes a hired caregiver is used, and frequently it is a combination of both. People find themselves as caregivers for a variety of reasons. Some are thrust into the caregiver role because a family member needs help; others choose to become hired caregivers and provide personal care. In this forum video you will hear from a panel consisting of both family and hired caregivers about the challenges and rewards of caregiving, what makes for a good caregiver situation, and how caregivers handle the emotional and physical demands.

For a discussion of managing caregiving from the perspective of individuals with SCI who receive care, go to Managing Personal Caregivers: A Panel Discussion (2016).


Presentation time: 75 minutes. After watching, please complete our two-minute survey. Thank you!

You can also watch this video on YouTube (with or without closed captioning).

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