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SCI Forum


New Ideas for Residential Living

Presented on October 24, 2018.

Living independently and having autonomy over your life is often a goal for people with disabilities. Doing this efficiently, effectively, and affordably can be difficult on your own. Movements to create sharing models like virtual villages, co-housing, pocket neighborhoods, and other residential models of living are growing around the country. By sharing resources and services like personal care, transportation, and household help, residents can reduce expenses, expand social connections, and improve security. This SCI Forum video highlights three different models in alternative and supported living. The first model, QUAD, Inc., offers affordable, accessible housing and personal care in Portland, Oregon. Luna Azul (starting at 17 minutes 50 seconds in the video) is a residential community for adults with physical and intellectual disabilities in Arizona. Wider Horizons (at 25 minutes, 8 seconds in the video) is a virtual village for aging adults in Seattle. These grassroots organizations were started by the very people who needed solutions in their lives. Meet the leaders, hear their stories, and learn about these exciting and novel models of living.

Presentation time: 57 minutes. After watching, please complete our two-minute survey!
View this video on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/_YZHAokRU2s

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